So loads of folks say they like to peek at my facebook to see what disturbing tid bits are existing in my head these days. Yes, I am outspoken and somewhat "out there." At my age of 47, I am into no nonsense and giggles. I think there are some interesting topics that we can all contribute to and share.
Let me get started with this. Soooo many women are finding themselves back in the dating scene at my age. Certainly, it may have been a while since you thought of how to do this. I don't want to experience that point in my life again but drawing on my 25 years of experience in the
criminal justice field, I would like to offer you some common sense suggestions.
If you decide to cyber date: Sure lots of folks have met some nice people on the dating sites. In many ways it can be safer than cruising the "bars." At our age, who really wants to cruise the bars? Unless it's a quiet wine bar...but I digress.
So you decide to join a social network. Please be wise, you get a wink from someone and begin talking. Do not give our your personal
email address. There are ways for predators to track you through server addresses and your email
tag name. DO NOT USE your name in your email. I do but I do not use it for anything but known friends. If you want to chat on an email account then set up an email account with yahoo or hotmail. Use an email address that is not very revealing like"". Do not use lonely, rich, sexy, hot....what creeps you will attract.

Donot offer up your picture until you feel completely safe. Be very cautious about any of your personal information , where you work, what town you live in, etc. You can get to know someone by keeping things generic at first. If you decide the next step is to talk on the phone, buy a track phone and use that number. NEVER give out your home or pesonal cell phone number. And in the event, you feel comfortable to acually meet in person, meet at a location you both agree on, let a friend or family member know who and where you are meeting. You don't have to go into how you met the person just that you have a date with an acquaintance. By all means, take your transportation and park under in a well lit area. Most of all follow your gut, so many people choose to ignore that. That gut is always right, call it the holy spirit, your guardian angel, or an overactive brain/body connection but just know it is right.

As my friend Joni recommends, read "THE GIFT OF FEAR" available at my fave internet store,
Ok on to my next random thought. Make sure if you live alone that you consult with a professional security company about your doors and windows. If you can afford, install a security system. Put up motion lights around your house. Sleep with your wasp spray next to your bed, it stings and squirts a long distance. (Thanks Patty). Sleep with your remote to your car next to your bed, test it first to see if the panic button will alert from your bedside. If it will, notify your neighbors of your intent to use it if you are in danger. They will know what to do from there.
Again LISTEN TO YOUR GUT. Share with each other safety tips, we need to help each other. This is the first of many random safety tips I intend to blog about. I will lighten up on my next tid bit.
Great tips, gonna share this.
ReplyDeleteMace Mace
ReplyDeleteYou and I have discussed this stuff to no end and yes I will tell every young and old woman to read the book The GIFT OF FEAR and tomorrow I am buying the wasp spray... the burgler isnt goint to get my jewelry. LOL. Love your new blog and thanks for sharing.
ReplyDeleteGo to this link and look around, body alarms are a good idea too..they make a hell of alot of noise.
ReplyDeleteGreat blog. I'm a complete stranger and am enjoying it.
God bless you my friend. You have been listening with an open heart.
ReplyDeleteKinda late chiming in here. Just came over here today by way of my friend Anastasia. :o) I have cyber dated for about 5 yr. Have met mostly nice guys, but a few "unique" individuals. I follow all of those tips above and I never meet anyone for the first time unless I have their real name, real address, real job and real phone number and have talked to them on the phone several times. I check them online to be sure they really are who they say they are, there is an abundance of free info online. has a wealth of links and info on how to check on people.
ReplyDeleteI always get to the meeting place first and don't go in until "he" arrives and I check my gut and also whether he looks like his picture. If he lies about his looks/age, etc., then what else has he lied about.
I have gone to Alaska, Chicago, St. Louis and New York City to meet men, all good experiences, altho none were "him". I've met tons of locals too. I am in a relationship now with a man I met while working for the Red Cross on a disaster in Boston. We meet the right person when we least expect it and when we are supposed to...... The universe is funny like that.
Love this blog. Thanks. :o)
Linda B.
Thanks Linda....this is great advice and I know some of my friends who are pondering this kind of thing will find your tips useful. I do agree that you can meet some nice folks, just be sure to keep caution until you feel comfortable. is good to know about it. There you go ladies, you heard it here! Best wishes on the Boston man, I LOVE BOSTON.
ReplyDeleteWell we met in Boston, but he's a southern boy from Nashville, TN. Much closer than Boston. Boston was his first national disaster and I was his supervisor/mentor. I tell him he gets big points for taking direction well from a woman. Hee hee! He just laughs and I always let him have the last word(s) "Yes Dear"..... :o) Some day we are going back to Boston to see all the awesome things we didn't have time to see the first time. It is a wonderful place. The Red Cross said, "Please come to Boston in the Springtime (it was March)" and I went and became "the Number one fan of the man from Tennessee." That just happens to be a favorite song of mine now. :o)
ReplyDeleteAnd back to your subject. I would always leave a pic of the man I was meeting along with his name, address, phone number, and what site I met him on, with my daughter, so if I disappeared, she would know where to start looking. Caution is always the watchword, remember, you can't fall in love online or on the phone, no matter how wonderful he sounds, it takes face to face meeting and more than a weekend or two. You can pretend to be anyone you want for a few days. It takes a week or multiple weeks for that "real" person to surface. Listen to your gut. If you get that uh oh feeling or red flags pop up, pay attention. Don't brush them off, talk to a girlfriend(s) or man friend(s) you trust, tell them your concerns and get an objective opinion from someone who genuinely cares about you.
And I have no idea how to post these comments with my name, so I am anonymous. So if you can splain it to me Lucy.......?
Linda B
Great post. I think if you you select name/url then you can just type your name in there in the COMMENT AS area.
ReplyDeleteWell, also even after quite awhile dating them remember... we are in an internet age and just as he met you online many men still keep the options "open" even while proclaiming devotion to you. Any man who is really in love with you or are serious about only you should never have old profiles on multiple sites with out an update stating he is taken now. If he continues to have profiles and they list him as available... keep on trucking as they say...he is a player.
ReplyDeleteAlso, any man who tells you he is still separated and going through a divorce with his wife... you need to wait until you see the divorce papers. many are using this and are still very much in love with wife and still planning on staying married.. they just want extra love on the side and will lie and tell you whatever they can to get you to cave in.